Friday, November 22, 2013

Believer in Waiting

My second spiritual book is out! The title, as you can see, is A Believer-in-Waiting's First Encounters with God. I will try to post some excerpts here from time to time. (Actually, I have already posted some excerpts from the draft on my Modern Mysticism blog.) The first set of books will be going to reviewers who signed up with Library Thing, but I notice that Amazon has been quick off the start and already has it available for ordering. I hope that anyone who reads either the book or the excerpts will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. It was one of those books that seems to write itself. I do hope to have copies of my own in about a week, at which time I will host a book coming out party for local friends who read the prepublication manuscript and provided feedback. If you read it, I would love to hear your feedback!!


  1. Congratulations


  2. Late in finishing but will review soon.
    Now I am waiting to see how the eucalyptus is working. I am on day 4 and I think it is working.
    Thanks. Leona

  3. I do not where to post but as I read about the children and saw Ben with neuroblastoma, my heart goes out to him and the family. One of our granddaughters was born with neuroblastoma but is now 16 years old and doing fine. Prayers work. I will say an extra one for Ben.
